About Kuntal Arora

Author Kuntal Arora is the Managing Director of Le-Vanshi Group. A distinguished academician and educationist. Very well known face of Rajasthan and Business tycoon of Pune.

The LEVANSHI GROUP Is A Group Of Companies With An Impressive Business Portfolio Including Real Estate, Entertainment, Personal Care And Body Fitness. The Group Attributes A Major Part Of Its Success To Its Visionary AUTHOR KUNTAL ARORA. His Pioneering Vision To Achieve New Heights And Fulfill The Dreams Of Common People Is What Takes The Group To Consistently Set New Benchmarks In All The Sectors Le-Vanshi Group is also in the construction.

About Me

Author Kuntal Arora is the Managing Director of Le-Vanshi Group. A distinguished academician and educationist. Very well known face of Rajasthan and Business tycoon of Pune.

He is also the National President of Youth India. Words of Youth India, India can become a developed nation only if everyone contributes to the best of his or her capacity and ability. Youth is wholly experimental and with the full utilization of the talents of the Youth, India will become a complete Nation. Problem is its indifferent Attitude towards things and the situation of Education.

At the tender age of 23 year, He has authored a book named “ME DAD & MBA” by describing a student’s life journey that includes the value of higher education and parent’s value simultaneously.

Other hand, as a Motivational Speaker, he is able to establish an immediate connection with his audience because of his sense of humour and ability to speak at the level of the audience. He has spoken at more than 50 corporate forums and more than 150 colleges and schools, with resounding success.
For expressing his gratitude to his teachers, parents and supportive friends, he recently organized “THANKING DAY” where all the eminent dignitaries’ were facilitated.

For his tremendous contribution in the sector of society welfare, He was awarded the Young Achievement Award in 2014 by AAJ KI DELHI, Delhi and Best Youth Leader in 2011.

Deeply touched by the hardships suffered by the poor students – especially, after completing the course they couldn’t get a job to cover incurred expenses, which resulted in frustration, he started working towards those barriers which could tarnish the future of youths.

He established keeprelaxjob.com with a view to help them and provide them Job Opportunity. He soon realized that education is the best medium for promoting national understanding. He, therefore, started to conduct admission guidelines e.g. MBA, MCA, B-TECH, M-TECH, Law, IT, FASHION DESIGN, ACTING etc.

Apart from that, he is actively working with NGOs in order to standardize the living hood of poor children. . h

Also He is active in Politics from his college days; he was fully active Student leader in Rajasthan University, Jaipur. He has given many speeches for big politicians in UTTAR PRADESH, RAJASTHAN, PUNJAB and HARYANA.

He facilitated “DEV AWARD” to the promising students for their respective Academic achievements which he named after his father MR.DEV RAJ ARORA

He Launched Book “What I Was What I Am” In presence of comedian BHARTI SINGH in 2017